White Papers & Research

White Papers & Research

American Jewry position survey, December 2019

A Ruderman Family Foundation survey has revealed that 80% of American Jews consider themselves pro-Israel and 67% feel an emotional attachment to Israel. The survey is the most comprehensive survey of the Jewish community in the United States in recent years, and one of the largest ever. It was initiated by the Ruderman Family Foundation and conducted in December 2019. Twenty-five hundred Jews were sampled, portraying a representative sample of the adult Jewish population in the United States, through the Mellman Group, with a statistical deviation of 1.96%.

Published on December 21st, 2020

Religious Affiliation #1

Visits to Israel

Emotional connection to Israel

Political Support of Israel #4

Emotional Connection to Israel According to age #5

How Has your Personal connection to Israel Changed in the last 5 years? #6

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